Sunday, August 8, 2010

How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

Posted on 7:25 PM by World Traveler

Improving your English speaking skills will help you communicate more easily and make you successful in life. Here are some ways to enhance your skills:
Practice Whenever You Get Time: The Golden Formula of English "The more you practice the better you would be".
Set Achievable Goals: Set a goals related to speaking English which you can achieve. You can do few things given here: Join a good English institute, watch new English movie every week and listen to the dialogues carefully, learn 3-5 new words daily, speak in front of the mirror when getting ready for your office, read a news article daily if possible.
Be with the People Who speak English: If you spend your most of the time with those people who speak good English, it will help you a lot. You will get new words and an art of speaking English.
Make English speaking your habit: Make speaking English a habit. Find at least 20 minutes a day to speak English. Find a native speaker or talk with your friend.
Always Try to Respond People: Get clues from people's questions and answer them effectively.
Don't Worry if You Forget Something: If you forget a word, try using um, or er.
After Completing Short Goals Give Yourself Rewards: It is very good technique to learn or gain something. Set short goals and reward yourself with a new dress, dinner at restaurant etc.

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